Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Video: Old Faithful erupts against a Devil's Tower backdrop

Devil's Tower is finished, the train is proving challenging (but worth it) and Old Faithful is erupting every 4 minutes.

Made presentation to our Advisory Board yesterday, which seemed to be well received. These are important people in Wyoming.

Christmas break should lend some time to keep the work moving along and hopefully, I can take some building classes during this time, in Second Life of course, and become a decent builder. Takes times and effort though.

Enjoy the Video:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Train being installed Today

The train is being installed today, or at least the installation is starting today, on Wyoming Entrepreneur island. Quite a site with train tracks all over the sky and ground. Once operational, will carry up to 10 people and will travel around the island, stopping three times for loading/unloading.

Very cool.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Old Faithful Geyser finds its way into Second Life

A rough draft of a live Old Faithful Geyser is now active in our Second Life island. This is just one of many Wyoming world-famous landmarks that will soon debut at Wyoming Entrepreneur island.

The final version will be visually richer, and erupt more often.

Here is a link to the island:
