Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Virtual State Fair in Second Life - Oct 26-29, 2011

The Virtual State Fair is one of the best examples of higher education in Second Life.  I have visited the site and my institution, the University of Wyoming, has its own exhibit, as so many universities across the US.  Here is a description of event.  Note the link to a flyer below.

The 4th annual eXtension Virtual State Fair event in Second Life, October 26-29, 2011, offers a fine opportunity to join colleagues for a visit to an immersive, social virtual world. New this year is the Land Grant University Expo, highlighting virtual world projects by educators around the country, with group tours departing for their regions each day. Enjoy live performers streaming music into Second Life at 8pm EDT nightly on the Midway Bandstand and discover the secrets of our haunted Morrill Manor.

Link to the State Fair in Second Life

Virtual State Fair 2011 Flyer