But there is more to learn and it does take some time and patience. The pinnacle I would think, is to have a person experience in SL right there with you while setting up. But there are many online resources that are great so I will list a few of them:
Second Life Wiki
Downloadable Quick Start Guide from SecondLife.com
Second Life FAQ
Once you master the basics and are ready to start building, this non-online resource
that can be purchased at Amazon (or many other places) is quite useful. Building is a
whole new world in comparison to cruising around in SL. And, it is really fun and interesting.
This is a book called: Creating Your World: The Official Guide to Advanced Content Creation for Second Life
System Requirements to Use Second Life
This page at http://www.secondlife.com/ has the requirements needed to run in Second Life.
If you are buying a new computer and taking yours in for a graphics upgrade, I would recommend at least a 1 gig graphics (video) card which is more than the minimum. Refer your tech person to the link above though and this should provide adequate explanation. Or, refer them to me.

I certainly don't know everything, but day by day I am picking this up. Check out Bronco's new hair and clothes as he is standing in front of a fountain in New Orleans Square of Mouse World. Whoa, ready for something formal...
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