Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rough Sketch of Wyoming Entrepreneur Second Life Island

Not all ideas in this sketch will come to pass, yet it is better to have too many ideas than not enough.

But again, the cornerstones (core competencies) of our island will be:

The Cake
  1. A place for Wyoming small business to receive counseling
  2. A place for Wyoming small business to attend classes
  3. A place for Wyoming small business to watch video, view slides, download templates, and more (kind of like our website but more fun using as avatar).

* Notice that when attending classes, visitors to our island will sit on an animal like a
buffalo, antelope, elk, rattlesnake, deer, moose (my favorite), bear and of course, the

The Icing (dreaming section)

  1. Fish the Green or Platte rivers
  2. Climb Devil's Tower
  3. Hike to a waterfall
  4. Go skiing

Here is the sketch, which will undoubtedly evolve:


  1. Wow Mark! This looks like it is really going to be neat. Right on the cutting edge once again. Very proud!


  2. I especially like the seating :)

    See ya inworld!
